
Asset condition surveys - below ground assets

Understanding the remaining life of underground assets is key to assessing risk of failure and being able to plan projected capital expenditure. Ovic have undertaken asset assessments on a large number of underground assets, particularly on long distance, large diameter, steel and ductile iron mains to provide an accurate assessment of their operating condition and remaining asset life.

As a multi discipline consultancy we can also assess the causes of bursts and whether they are as a result of failing structural condition, or are as the result of abnormal hydraulic conditions. We achieve this by undertaking both site based and desktop analysis of the systems.

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By mapping the condition of a main and comparing this to the local surface geology and topography as well as considering system operating conditions, a full picture of the factors influencing the remaining asset life can be made.

Using GIS mapping system, Some Textpipeline and underground asset 'hot spots' can be generated and these used to preduct future bursts.

Using this methodology, targeted mains replacement or refurbishment can be made both accurately and with confidence.


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